Friday, 1 April 2011

Technology and Design Typography.

Philosophy of being different.

The creator of the Apple- Think Different advertisement has used a disruptive strategy to draw you in and highlight the most inspirational people of the times. These are people who have thought outside of the box and pushed boundaries and come up with inventive and original ideas.

It is important to always research other competitors as although you might not think something has been done before, It most probably has. Having this knowledge can help you to come up with different new exciting ideas. There are many artists who have different and exciting ideas to some, and not so exciting to others for example the very well known Damien Hirst and Tracey Emin. They have both been disruptive with their ideas which has lead them to be noticed by the public for good and bad reasons.

Tracey Emin in my opinion is an feminist extravert, she exposes things about herself that most people would be too ashamed to reveal to anyone let alone to the public. Subjects she has exposes include sexual nature, abortion, rape, and self-neglect. Although a lot of her work draws bad attention to her, all publicity is good publicity as it gets people talking about her and interests in her work.

Everyone I Have Ever Slept with 1963-1995

One her installations, called Everyone I Have Ever Slept with 1963-1995 is surprisingly a tent, She has sewn inside all of the peoples names she has slept with. Some may argue that this is not art, but in my opinion how can you define art? "One mans trash is another mans treasure". Her work is bibliographical and could have almost been taken from her life's diary.

In my opinion the best of art or design is that who have gone against the grain and have thought outside the general box.
This pot noodle advert in my opinion uses the disruptive strategy really well because it is quite offensive to some however does not try to shine a golden light over the product and emphasises on the fact that it is not healthy and nutritious and is in fact quite "naughty".

Information Graphics and Data Visualisation.

My Personal Journey.

Currently I am studying a degree in Graphic Communication at Birmingham City University. There is often days where I question myself and think am I cut out for this? Will it all be worth it in the end? The endless struggles of juggling everything that is going on around me can sometimes become daunting from keeping up with the series of lectures, blogging, talks, workshops, sketchbook work, trying your hardest to act like a human sponge, mixing all this with a completely boring part time job and trying to enjoy general life while its running so quickly. I start to question myself whether I am taking all of this information in or am I missing any important information out?

I have a photographic memory so making lists is pointless to me because 99% of the time I will not look at them again, however I love to loose myself in a good book and most of the time will absorb more information from reading a book and having photographs in front of me rather than surfing the internet through several pages and never knowing if the information you are looking at is genuine. Sadly I feel I do not have enough time to do this as often as id like to.

I find the best way I can learn is by looking around me, at past memories, Inspirational people, times of history and the different people around me and their experiences. I personally feel the over use of modern communication technology now in this day and age has changed the way people live their lives. Which in my opinion sometimes is not for the better, how much simpler would our lives be without it? Or on the other hand how would we live without it? For example my Nan quoted "you know you can send a letter on the computer? How much does it cost?" I love the idea of everybody communicating by putting pen to paper again. But is she missing out by not having knowledge from the Internet?